Dear friends and family,
Merry Christmas! Hard to believe it is that time of year already! Seems like just yesterday that I was writing a thanksgiving update! I trust that you all are doing well and staying warm! I am thankful to be able to say that I am now in Pennsylvania spending some time visiting family for the holiday! It is a tremendous blessing to be able to celebrate the birth of our Saviour with family!
So much has happened since my last update. In that update I mentioned about the car situation. It is a great blessing to be able to say that God has provided a car! I had to retire my previous vehicle after using it for about three and a half years. It already had about 175,000 when it was given to me and I ran it till it had 235,000. All that time, it had been very dependable with few repairs. But the last time I took it to my mechanic, he informed me that it was not worth fixing this go around. Admittedly, that was a real trial and time of waiting on the Lord as I continued the search for a vehicle for nearly a month and a half after selling my old car to the mechanic. But Jehovah-Jirah led me to a car that had only 76,000 miles on it and allowed me to get it! So far, it has been great and I have taken it to PA, my longest trip with it so far and it did a wonderful job! Praise God for this blessing!
As I come into the new year, it looks like meetings will begin to pick up once again. I will be helping at a teen mentoring event at my home church in Taylors in January and later on at a teen winter retreat in February ( I am hoping for lots of snow for the retreat! ) My summer is beginning to fill up with VBS opportunities, some confirmed, others still being discussed, as well as preaching at a summer camp ( my first time doing that ) Please pray for this as it will be an opportunity to reach lost young people with the gospel of Jesus Christ! I do have a few openings still in my summer for VBS and other things should the Lord lead you to have me serve you in that capacity. If you are at all interested, please feel free to email or call me for more info on the timing. This year’s theme for VBS is, Lord willing, going to be ” Jesus, to the Rescue” with various applications between first responders and Jesus the greatest rescuer there is! I am very much looking forward to it! Some exciting things ahead and a missionary story each day!
God has given so many blessings, and I look forward with great anticipation to hitting the road again in 2017! Praying for souls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once again, Merry Christmas! I trust you will have a wonderful time celebrating the birth of Christ and spending time with family! God bless!
Joyfully Serving our Risen Saviour,
Stephen Wrachford
Micah 6:8