Dr. Leon Foote
It is good to see some young men coming along the trail to fill my place when I go to the other side.
I have known Evangelist Steve Wrachford since he was a baby. He comes from a good strong Fundamental Baptist home, went to a good college for his training in the Bible, and I know that he will be a big blessing and HELP to your church for the youth and adults. I highly recommend Him!
Dr. Leon Foote preached “the ole time religion” and the absolute authority of the Bible for 62 years. Twenty-five of those years he served as a pastor and the rest Foote Evangelistic Team. He passed away on Wednesday, June 9, 2021, at the age of 87.
Pastor John Monroe
I would heartily recommend Stephen to your church. This young man has proven to be a faithful proclaimer and witness of the gospel! He has a deep burden to be used of the Lord to carry out His work of evangelizing the lost and edifying the believer!
Pastor Monroe received Christ as his Savior at the age of eight while attending Children’s Church at Temple Baptist Church in Fredericksburg, VA, where he grew up. Upon graduating from high school in 1984, he enrolled at BJU beginning as an accounting major. In 1985 God called Dr. Monroe into the ministry, and he changed his major to Pastoral Studies. After receiving an M.A. in Pastoral Studies from BJU in 1991, Dr. Monroe went to Tabernacle Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, VA. He served on the pastoral staff for 3 years during which time he earned a Ph.D. in Religious Education. Dr. Monroe was ordained to the ministry in July 1995. That fall the Lord led Dr. Monroe to take the position of senior pastor at Providence Baptist Church in Riverview, FL – a position he held until coming to Faith Baptist Church in January of 2009.
Pastor Paul Haasz
I first met Stephen Wrachford in 2002. Stephen attended our Christian School for half of his eleventh and all of his twelfth grade years while I was the school Administrator. Stephen was a great student to have in two of my classes and a great role model spiritually among our student body. I had Stephen preach twice in our elementary chapels while he was still a high school senior.
While Stephen was attending Ambassador Baptist College and even after he graduated, we have had him preach about a dozen times in our church. Stephen has a love for God and a desire to please his Savior.
This past summer we asked Stephen be the master teacher and rally time director for our Vacation Bible School. He did a great job and naturally loves working with children.
I would like to encourage you to consider asking Stephen Wrachford to minister in your church.
Paul Haasz is the pastor of Mt. Zion Community Independent Baptist Church and former Administrator of Mt. Zion Christian Academy in Acme, PA.
Dr. Alton Beal
From the beginning of his training at Ambassador Baptist College, Stephen Wrachford has always had a passion for evangelism. His preparation includes specific courses on the ministry of evangelist and extended trips doing evangelistic ministry. He demonstrated faithfulness in local church ministry during his college years, and has a desire to be a help to pastors.
I am excited to see God raising up a generation of young evangelists and hope that you will pray for Stephen and use him as led of the Lord. We need to do all we can to encourage and help the next generation of full-time Christian servants.
Alton launched into evangelism in 1998, and his preaching opportunities have included revival/evangelistic campaigns, Christian school meetings, and Christian camps. God has used Alton’s outstanding tenor solo voice to prepare the hearts of the listeners to receive his fervent, compassionate Bible messages. While continuing his ministry in evangelism, Alton also serves at Ambassador Baptist College as its second President.