Stephen’s Testimony
Stephen grew up in a Pastor’s home in Dunbar, PA, just south of Pittsburgh. The gospel was very familiar to him. Throughout his growing up years however, he made several false professions of faith.. It was not until the age of ten that Stephen truly understood salvation. He had still been hanging on to the fact that he was a pretty good boy and had not done a lot of the bad things that others had done. On June 10th, 2000, God brought to mind Titus 3:5 which says, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy He saved us.” It clicked that day. Stephen realized that salvation was not any effort of his own works, but that God had already paid the full price for his sins. He went off into a corner by himself and asked Christ to come into his heart.
It was around the same time that God was working in Stephen’s heart regarding full time ministry. He knew even at that young age that God was calling him to preach. However, He resisted for about five years. He was bashful and didn’t want to surrender. Stephen bargained with God telling Him he could call someone else but NOT him.
In 2005, the evangelist that Stephen’s dad had invited to the church was preaching an eight day revival meeting. Little did he know that his parents had been praying for him that week to surrender to God’s call. On the last day of the meeting, the visiting evangelist preached on surrender and applied it to how God may be calling someone to full time ministry. Stephen felt that night as if the preacher knew all about him and was preaching directly to him! When the invitation came, Stephen raised his hand indicating that God was working in his heart. That night Stephen stood in front of the whole church declaring that God had called him to preach. From that time, God began to shape and equip him for future ministry.
As He approached his college years, it was becoming more evident that God was leading Stephen into evangelism. God led Stephen to Ambassador Baptist College for further training. During his college years, God allowed him to become involved in evangelistic work and immerse himself in local church ministry to an even greater extent. He spent a good bit of time working under seasoned evangelists gaining practical ministry experience as well as just doing the work of the evangelist.
Since 2013, God has allowed Stephen to preach in various capacities including revival meetings, pulpit supply, children’s revivals, teen rallies, and other venues in the US and several foreign countries.
Karyn’s Testimony
Karyn was blessed to have grown up in a Christian home. She learned about God and salvation from a very young age. One evening, when she was just 5 years old, Karyn remembers her dad teaching about Heaven and Hell. After family devotions, she told her mom and dad that she wanted to go to Heaven and not Hell. Karyn’s parents shared with her how Jesus died for her sins so that she did not have to go to Hell. That night, Karyn prayed and trusted Jesus as Savior!
As a teen, Karyn surrendered to serve God and later attended Bible college. While in attendance, the Lord allowed her to be fully involved serving in the deaf ministry. After college, she began traveling to raise support for deaf missions. God allowed her to serve in various mission fields both in the US and overseas for several years.
It was during Karyn’s mission travels that a pastor friend introduced her to an evangelist named Stephen Wrachford. About 9 months later, they were married and began serving together in evangelism. Now God has blessed with a precious family! God is so good! It is a privilege to serve the Savior!