GO ye into all the WORLD


Preach the GOSPEL

– Mark 16:15


Here is a sampling of Stephen Wrachford’s pulpit ministry.

God’s Perfect Will

God desires for each Christian to be a dedicated, submitted and serving Christian. When we are yielded to God, it will result in a changed life and serving Christians. Join me for a closer look at “God’s Perfect Will” in Romans 12:1-2.

Resurrection Power

What if there had been no Resurrection? Let’s take a journey through 1 Corinthians 15 for a look into the vast implications of the bodily Resurrection of Christ and how it applies to our lives.

Revival Ready

Are you praying for revival? Do you know what revival really is and what it looks like? Join me as we look at 2 Chronicles 7:14 and discover what it means to truly anticipate revival and to be prepared for a great moving of God.

Take Off Your Shoes

This is part one of a two part series on the Holiness of God. How long has it been since you spent quality time in God’s presence? In Exodus 3 we see how Moses encountered God and it forever changed his life and ministry.

Standing On Holy Ground

This is part two of the series on God’s Holiness. What should be our response when we truly begin to view ourselves in the light of God’s Holiness? Let’s take a close up look at Isaiah 53 as we see how Isaiah responded when he saw himself compared to God.

When You Love God

When a person truly loves God, it will change everything about their life. Learn the true meaning of loving God and how the Psalmist declares his love for God in Psalm 119:133-136.