GO ye into all the WORLD


Preach the GOSPEL

– Mark 16:15

Thanksgiving and Ministry Update

It has been a very busy last few weeks! But I wanted to get this out before Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone coming up! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating and giving thanks to God! We sure do have a lot to thank God for! For family and friends, for the ministry God allows us to have and just the everyday things we take for granted. I trust that this coming week we will be able to take some extra time to count our blessing so to speak.

I want to take this time to count some blessings God has given me! A few weeks ago, I had a wonderful meeting in Claysburg Pa at Emmanuel Baptist Church! The people there were such a blessing and the sweet spirit there was amazing! Several people showed up who either never been to the church or who hadn’t been in a very long time! The Pastor was encouraged as well as I was. Several unsaved visitors throughout the week too!  God just gave us a fantastic week! And many Christians made decisions throughout the week

I also want to thank God for the blessing that my car has been! I’ve had it several years now and finally had to retire it after taking it to the mechanic and him telling me that It was not worth fixing up. But, in this situation, I can see several blessings! First, It did not happen while I was on a trip or had a lot of meetings scheduled. Second, It has been a very good car, and it had 235,000 miles on it and had been extremely dependable. I miss it but am thankful that my mechanic has allowed me to borrow one of his vehicles until I can find one. Pray for me to have wisdom with this and that I will be able to find a vehicle soon that will meet the needs of the ministry!  I have hesitated to mention anything about this because I do not want to make people feel sorry for me, nor to give the wrong impression. But I feel it is important to let my prayer supporters to know how to pray specifically.

I am thankful for each of you who read these updates regularly and pray regularly! I know that God answers these prayers and uses you in a tremendous way through that avenue. Thanks again to each of you, and may God bless you all this thanksgiving and I trust you will have a wonderful time with family and friends!

Joyfully Serving our Risen Saviour,

Stephen Wrachford

Micah 6:8