Dear Praying friends,
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers! God has been blessing! In our last update, I asked each of you to pray for more meetings and God has continued to do just that! Several churches have allowed me to come to either fill in for them or to share about the future of our ministry and the direction God is leading.
We were able attend a special fellowship last week with Beacon of Truth and meet several new pastors and several long time friends there. One pastor has asked me to come preach a revival meeting for him this coming Nov. Also, we made many wonderful friends and the time of fellowship was such an encouragement.
Back in September, God allowed me to preach another revival at my good friend, Pastor Erick Linginfelter’s church! What an encouragement that week was to see people with tender hearts and wanting revival. The pastor was greatly blessed this week and we were able to see some fruit from visits throughout the week and a man who had just recently been saved but is dealing with a terminal illness was able to attend church for the first time since being saved! During that week, my wife taught a sign language class to the kids which they greatly enjoyed, and I preached in their Christian School Chapel.
My wife is doing well, and it is hard to believe that she is over halfway through the pregnancy. The doctors have been very pleased with everything to this point and we are looking to the Lord in these last 5 months to have His perfect will in things and that we will be godly parents that will raise our child to serve Him.
Back in the end of September, I was able to preach the Harvest Dinner at my home church for the Sunday and it was a blessing to see several folks come who had not been to church in 30 years or so show up! Please pray that they will come back and get grounded in the things of God or be saved if they are not yet saved.
We are looking forward to the months ahead of us as we continue to travel until we settle down for the Christmas season and the birth of our child! Please continue to pray for us! We are still seeking wisdom about the travel trailer. I have done some research and looking into different options. At the very least we will probably need to purchase another vehicle and find a way to accommodate the supplies we will need to carry on the road with the edition of the child. Here are the prayer requests We would like you to keep in mind as you think of us.
- Safety and health in travels
- For Spirit filled preaching and living
- For Wisdom regarding the travel trailer
- For more meetings
- For God’s provision for the birth of our child
- For Spiritual fruit, salvation, and surrender of God’s people
Joyfully Serving Our Risen Saviour,
Stephen Wrachford
Micah 6:8