Dear Praying Friends and Family,
We trust that this note finds each of you well and enjoying God’s richest blessings upon your lives and ministry! Boy, are we ever excited for all that God is doing with us recently and yet humbled to serve our amazing King! It has been quite a testing couple of years for us in our ministry due to the many changes brought to our lives by Covid. We were set for a fairly busy year when one by one those opportunities were no longer in front of us. However, God did bring about many opportunities to witness to neighbors and occasional opportunities to preach.
Beginning in December and January of this year much of that began to reverse. We are now looking at two VBS opportunities this summer and are certainly available to do more as the Lord may open doors. We are excited. Every time, we have seen souls saved to God’s glory and we are praying that this year will be no different. Currently, we are scheduled at my home church and in St Augustine, Florida! Recently, God has allowed us to assist a few churches by filling in for pastors who are needing a brief reprieve from their preaching duties. Also, we have recently served to fill the pulpits of a couple of churches that are without pastors. Last week our family was at Lighthouse Baptist in New Concord, OH which was a great joy! We will be helping them at least two more Sundays in May as they evaluate a potential candidate for pastor. Pray that God would give them wisdom. Also, do pray for a lady in particular who has been going there for about a month and has some concerns with colon problems which may potentially be life-threatening. She greatly enjoys coming with her sister who is a faithful member. She is in need of salvation and knows it. When there last Sunday, I preached a clear gospel message and she raised her hand indicating her need. I spoke with her briefly after the service encouraging her to be saved, However, she point-blank told me she was not ready. I am SO burdened that she will be saved. Please pray for me if I should speak with her again about her soul when I go back. I certainly don’t want to see her pushed away, yet I do long to see her born again and know that peace only God can give!
Today was a busy day confirming some meetings, getting word of more potential opportunities, and doing some general cleaning on our property which seems to be a never-ending task. Do pray for a sensitive situation with a neighbor who is giving us problems and has in the past. We are doing what we can to take care of things, Just pray for an understanding spirit with this neighbor.
Recently, we were privileged to be a part of a Bible assembly project at a local area church to send the book of John to the Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasions. The neat thing about this is that it is the first time for them to have a Bible from a good text in their native tongue. Previously, they only had access to the Russian language in a reliable text. That is not what they want right now. Many are being saved. Pray God will use these scriptures to further that glorious work!
Another exciting occasion at our home church recently was to see 4 deaf siblings follow the Lord in baptism. For about three years my wife has been teaching a basic Bible class to them when we have been in town and God has grown them! Please pray specifically for these kids’ dad, Dale, to be saved. He came to the baptism but claims to be Catholic.
Also, please pray for our financial situation with the need for a minivan for our growing family. For those who do not know or may not remember my wife is due with our third child in late September. We will need to upgrade from our current car. God has blessed us with quite an unexpected return from our taxes which will help with the bills we are trying to pay with hopefully some left to go towards that need. In addition, my wife and I are both working part-time jobs between preaching engagements. Maybe someday God will fill our schedule to where that is no longer necessary. We never want to be presumptuous, but if God would lead anyone to donate to this particular need, then you can feel to reach out to find out how you can be a part. We are convinced more than ever that God is moving and at work and He indeed will provide, so we are not worried!
Joyfully Serving our Risen Saviour,
The Wrachfords
Micah 6:8