GO ye into all the WORLD


Preach the GOSPEL

– Mark 16:15

Wonderful Blessings!

Dear praying family and friends,

It is hard to believe that nearly two months has passed since my last update and so much has happened that I feel I am long overdue for another one. God has been so good over the last couple of months despite a few minor health problems that have come up. I am trying to work through those, but I am so thankful for God’s goodness!

Many of you are aware of my recent decision through much prayer and seeking God’s face for wisdom to step away from Chick Fil A to be able to focus fully on ministry. I am very grateful even for the closed doors! God has lead through them. Since there were so many possibilities, they have been narrowing and in unique ways made what is NOT of Him obvious. I am encouraged by that to know I am getting closer to what He DOES want!

For the last 5 weeks, I have been serving at Bible Baptist Church in Brownsville, Pa and seeing God bless tremendously! Though it has been very different for me, I have been doing a lot of thinking about the Apostle Paul and how though he had an itinerate ministry, would sometimes spend a few weeks, months or even a year or two in one place doing the work of the evangelist. Though I greatly enjoy a week of meetings and believe firmly that it is something that God wants to be done, there are also tremendous benefits of spending longer than just a week. In the short time I have been here, it has been a great joy to see folks making decisions to reach out to neighbors and invite them to church or mentor someone themselves. They are beginning to catch a vision for what God wants! I have also watched God give them a greater desire for prayer! There is also an eleven-year-old boy who came to church as a result of a community outreach recently! Others have made initial contact with the church and been exposed to the gospel! Pastor Dallas will be coming June 12 as their full-time Pastor and I will be hitting the road very soon after that for a summer of meetings. Please pray the work God has started will continue on into the future! I would be thrilled if God would open another opportunity down the road to spend several weeks in a place doing what I have been able to do here, as He opens doors. Please pray, pray, pray! All the efforts will be in vain without the hand of God and the power of prevailing prayer! My prayer is that God would give at least 30 souls this summer. God has already seen fit to save 3 so far and others have received the Word.

Into the fall and early parts of next year, my schedule is still pretty open. It is not too early to begin thinking about events you may be looking to have help with in the upcoming year. If the Lord should so lead, I’d love to help in any way possible. Sometime in 2018 or early 2019, Lord willing I will be making a trip to the Solomon Islands to help in an outreach there being organized by a missionary in Austraila. Our goal is to get 50,000 scriptures in the hands of school-aged children, as well as lay groundwork for aggressive soul-winning and discipleship efforts in the months and years ahead should the Lord tarry! The need is great! If as an individual or church you would be interested in having a part, feel free to reach out so I can let you know of the various ways in which you could have a part in this effort!

Many thanks to the praying friends and faithful supporters of God’s people in many different ways. As, I have been making my way through 2 Timothy once again, God just really gave me a special blessing by noticing the life of Onesiphorus who Paul says ” sought Paul out and oft refreshed him” While Paul was experiencing trials, and blessing alike, he was grateful for those who came along and encouraged in many different ways, whether through prayer, love gifts, or just being there. I am blessed personally to have many such people in my life as well and want to say a very BIG thank you for all of those things! May God richly bless you and I am praying for you!

Joyfully Serving Our Risen Saviour,

Stephen Wrachford

Micah 6:8