God has truly been so good! It is impossible to say in mere human words how much of a joy it is to serve a Saviour like we have. As I travel, my heart breaks for those who know nothing of His saving grace and the joy of serving Him.
First off, I would like to extend a special thanks to many of you who I know have been praying for me over the past few months. God has flooded me with blessings beyond compare. I just recently came back home to Greenville, SC from a couple months of very fruitful meetings. Not a week passed but that I was aware of God working all around me. What a joy to see men, women, boys and girls come to know Christ each week. My first week, up in Troy Oh, was somewhat of a partnership ministry. I worked as a teen captain for a teen event while a friend of mine, Evangelist Glenn Stevenson preached. I did have the opportunity of helping in a VBS that week as well. That week, many came to know Christ!
God also allowed me to preach three Vacation Bible Schools. At each one, there were decisions made. God also allowed me to personally lead a couple of people to Christ! That was a direct answer to prayer! Nothing like seeing the light bulb turn on!
God also allowed me to minister at my Dad’s church. Recently, the assistant pastor moved to begin deputation for the mission field. While in the area, I had the privilege of filling in for the teens class. Please pray that God would give my dad wisdom during this transition.
To say the least, it has been a wonderful summer of ministry, and one for which I thank God. I am back home now and rested up a bit. and preaching some Sunday’s here and there.
The next big opportunity before me is a month of meetings in the Philippines It will be in Oct.. I am very excited for this opportunity for several reasons. One, I was able to get a number of Bibles to take for new converts. God allowed me to find a great deal on them. Also, my brother, Jonathan will be going with me to provide special music and play the piano. Please pray that God will work mightily and souls will be saved in this ripe harvest field!