GO ye into all the WORLD


Preach the GOSPEL

– Mark 16:15

Ministry Update

This has been a wonderful month! God has given many opportunities to preach for Sunday services in the Greenville, SC area as well as up in Pennsylvania. Each service, I have sensed the presence of God, and it seems that God is doing a stirring work among His people in the area of soul winning.

It was a great privilege to preach for a good friend of mine in Woodruff, SC. I have been doing a good amount of pulpit supply for them. This is a smaller work, but the folks of that congregation are committed to their church, and to the cause of the gospel. It has been a great joy to get to know Brother Ron Allen, a faithful man for many years! Please keep this work in your prayers that God would grow this ministry and that new members would be added to this work!

It was also wonderful to be able to preach for the Harvest Dinner at my Dad’s church in Dunbar, Pa and to enjoy the fellowship and good food! Also, I was able to teach the teen class while I was there. Pray for these young people, that God would use them for His glory and they would be 100% sold out to our precious Saviour!  We also had a teen activity that was mentioned already which was great fun! It is nice to act like a teenager every once in a while. Haha! Also, I had the joy of preaching for a good friend of mine in Acme, Pa doing some pulpit supply for Him! Brother Haasz has been a good family friend for several years now.

While I was up in Pa, I got my brother Jonathan, and brought him down with me to Greenville, SC, by the time many of you get this update, we will be in the air flying to the Philippines for a series of evangelistic crusades throughout the entire month of October. God has been gracious to supply each need along the way, and to put many details together in the last few months!  Please, please pray! We covet your prayers! Jonathan will be playing the piano, and he and I will be singing together, then each evening, on Sunday through Friday, Lord willing, I will be opening up the Word of God to preach the gospel to these precious souls! It is our prayer that many will come to know Christ!  We will also be going out soulwinning in the mornings or afternoons with the Bible College Students. I look forward to updating everyone to let you know how things go. We are excited beyond words to see what God will do! This is a needy country that is open to the gospel!