As I begin this update, I would just like to extend a special thanks to all those who prayed for the missions trip! I know that your prayers made all the difference, and I could truly sense the prayers. In my first week, it was a joy to work with Harry Peart doing a young people’s conference on a Wednesday through Friday. We had great group of young people out for the week. There were a couple of people who really seemed like they were under conviction regarding their need for salvation, but did not get the need taken care of. One young man stepped forward and some others began snickering at him, which discouraged him from coming. It was a very sad thing to see, and the conviction was obvious any time the need for salvation was addressed throughout the week. Just pray for him that God will continue to convict and draw this young man to Christ.
There are three other missionary familes who live in the same compound area as the Pearts, each of whom I had the privilege of meeting. Dr. Ann Livingston is a medical doctor who has been serving there faithfully for many years meeting the physical needs of the Haitian People. Then, the Tim Bower family who has a church plant right next to the compound, and the Baker family who lives with the Bowers. I had the privilege of preaching in Brother Bower’s church on Wed night while I was there. On Sunday, I preached in Brother Pearts church. He has been faithfully working with this congregation for several years and just recently was able to get a building started. They were about ready to have the roof put on when I arrived. A construction team came the day I left to assist in that project. The national that Brother Peart has been working with to place as the Pastor is a very good man with a heart for God. It was a joy to meet him! In the Sunday morning service, God began something there at that church in his life that I feel is very key to the continuing growth and forward movement of that ministry. Praise God for all He has done! The whole while the youth conference was going on, there was a voodo ceremony going on maybe a five to ten minute walk from the church. The national pastor to be pointed to a clump of trees and told that a voodo ceremony was taking place just on the other side of that clump of trees. It was heart breaking to think of that going on so close to the church and during the same time as the youth conference. It was a solemn reminder that when God is at work, so is Satan. But, I am thankful God is greater! In fact, this Pastor had been saved out of voodo and had been born into the family of a witch doctor. At the time of his salvation, he was in the process of buying more power with Satan, but God miraculously saved him and now He is passionate about winning souls!
My second week was very full working with some good friends of mine from Dunbar Baptist. Kathy Gouker and Alice Wise as well as a national, Pastor Cebian during this week, I was helping a little boy named Audson ( pronounced udson) do his schoolwork in ACE. He has been having a problem with his eyes that makes him unable to see at times. And no one can seem to figure out what it is. His parents have been trying all they can, So, I read his work to him, and asked the questions and was able to help him in school! I enjoyed it tremendously, and it was a blessing to be able to encourage him. Please pray he can get the help he needs. The situation there is very complicated and hard because of government regulations and medical quality. During the week, I also preached in Chopin for a week and saw God work in lives there! It was also, a joy to preach in the Christian School Chapel three times. Later, Pastor Cebian invited me to a very remote place called Robinette. I went on a Saturday and returned on Monday. We showed a film on the life of Christ Saturday night then I got to preach on Sunday. The best part, a group that had barely any knowledge of God or the Bible! They didn’t even own a Bible. So, I started with creation and the fall of man, then explained salvation. Praise God, in all there were 24 or so who accepted Christ in the mountains of Robinette, Haiti. Pastor Cebian is about ready to plant another church there, and has already been responsible for over 200 church plants in Haiti! We had the privilege of celebrating his seventy-second birthday while I was there, and He is still going strong!
This is just a brief summery of the many things God allowed me to take part in while I was there, and my heart is truly full for what He allowed to take place. This is the 7th foreign country God has allowed me to visit, and although the language barrier and living conditions were much more difficult than some other places I have been, It was a tremendous trip, and from the very start, God gave me a love for the people, of this needy land! A piece of my heart is left behind in each of the countries I have been, and Haiti was no exception. watching the coastline disappear as the airplane takes off is always the hardest thing I do any time I leave a foreign country. Lord wiling, Some pictures will be posted on facebook soon!