Dear Praying Friends and Family,
I trust you are doing well. I pray that this letter finds you enjoying God’s blessings where He has planted you. I have you all in my mind and heart on a regular basis and am praying that God will use you in tremendous ways. Hopefully, you had a wonderful Christmas. I know that I did and it was wonderful to see so many friends and family.
As I am sure you all are well aware by now, my wife and I are expecting our first child who is due this Friday. Things seem to be progressing and we are in much suspense as to when our precious blessing from God will make his or her appearance. We will definitely send out an update when that happens 🙂
As for ministry, things are going well. We had the privilege of having a teen activity this past month at the end of January. There was a good turnout for it and we are just praying that some of the teens will have a renewed interest in the church and God will do a drawing work. We have a couple of young people that I am trying to encourage and mentor along a little more as they seem to have a desire to do right. I have asked them to pray about taking a missions trip this summer. So, I am excited to see what God will do and how He will lead them.
At the beginning of January, God allowed me to preach at a Pastor’s fellowship in central Pa led by Pastor John Leatherman. Many of these men are personal friends and many I am just beginning to build a friendship with. It was a blessing to be able to encourage them in their work for God, and they are definitely an encouragement to me.
I am excited for the time we will be back on the road! We have one revival meeting scheduled in March in Central Pa, and want to see God move in a mighty way. Also, we do have a couple of Vacation Bible Schools for the summer. One is a new church, one we have been to several times and are looking forward to ministering there again. I do have a few openings left. So if you would pray that God would fill our schedule out for the summer and give us exactly what He wants us to have.
The rest of the year is looking pretty open at this point, but we are trusting and asking God to give us the opportunities that He longs for us to have.
a couple of weeks ago, in our deaf class, my wife had a visitor by the name of Dream. He really enjoyed his first visit, but lives about two hrs away and had spent the weekend with his friends whom he goes to the deaf school with in Pittsburgh. God is at work in the class and the kids are beginning to ask some questions!
as I close this letter, I would like to give you a couple of prayer requests and praises.
- I am praising God that He has brought several people into my path recently that I have been able to witness to!
- Please pray that God would work in the lives of our teens. Specifically, pray for Jordan, JT, and Micah the thred that we normally have, that God would strengthen their walk with Him, and they would want to be fully dedicated to God.
- Pray for several that we have not seen in a while that we are trying to reach out to and see God bring them back to church and work with the needs that they have including salvation. Melody, Kaitlyn, Jerry, Addessa, John…( several of these did come to the teen activity recently)
- Pray that God would give divine appointments to witness and that I would recognize them as they come.
- Pray for meetings to fill our schedule and that God would work through me and my wife.
Joyfully Serving Our Risen Saviour,
Stephen, Karyn and Baby Wrachford.
Micah 6:8