Dear Praying Friends,
Hard to believe it is already April! My mind is on a particular verse right now in the book of Lamentations. ” It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not, they are new every morning great is thy faithfulness” Lam 3:22 Truly, when I think of all the shortcomings I have, I am totally amazed that God continues to use me and bless.
We were able to have a teen activity at Dunbar Baptist with our youth and two other churches within an hr of Dunbar. There were about 15 or 16 young people in attendance and several sponsors. We ate hot dogs, had a lazer tag game that the teens and sponsors enjoyed and then a good friend of mine, Pastor Haasz, preached a message on desiring the will of God. God seemed to move in the hearts of some of the teens. One of the teens that comes to our church from time to time raised his hand in regard to assurance of salvation, and I had the privilege of talking to him for a few minutes. Please pray that this young man, Jerry Yailey will take the needed steps in his life and be more faithful. I am very burdened for our young people in America and around the world that they will be sold out to God completely, and the message was a much needed one in our day.
The last few weeks have found me, traveling to Wisconsin for a conference to attend that and God brought a Pastor into my path who had gone to Ambassador, and we had a great time of fellowship not only learning from the Word of God, but also learning from each other and enjoying a meal together. Then, in Mid March, our family was off to preach a revival Meeting at a church in Central Pa with Pastor Harvin. We had a tremendous meeting and although it seemed that the week flew by, we had several visitors, and the people seemed as if God was really doing a stirring work. Pastor also ended up feeling very encouraged by the end of the week, which is always a great blessing.
When we got home, we had missions conference at our home church the following week and two of my former classmates who are on deputation had tremendous messages to share over the weekend challenging us in our walks with God and heart for the harvest. After the missions conference, we headed out to Florida for my wife to be in a wedding of her friend, it went well. So as you can see, we are starting our baby Israel out early with all the travels. Ha! Seriously though, He has done very well!
Looking ahead, I still have much open time in the summer for revival meetings/ children’s revivals and all the fall is open as well. It has never ceased to amaze me how God provides the meetings. Over the last two years, God has filled my schedule so that I have been preaching about 1/2 to 3/4 of the year in various churches and revival meetings. The rest has been spent helping at my Dad’s church with the youth. I am content to be used as God sees fit, but I am asking you to pray with me that God would continue to fill my schedule for this year as He has done in years past.
God has also been providing for the expenses of the birth of our baby, so I am very thankful for this.
If God is willing, we do hope to have a new prayer card made up soon once the baby gets a little older. Please keep our family in your prayers as you think of us in regards to several areas
- spirit filling
- God’s continued provision
- Meetings
- our adjustment to parenting
- souls
Joyfully Serving our Risen Saviour,
The Wrachfords,
Micah 6:8